Source code for ftrack_api.entity.factory

# :coding: utf-8
# :copyright: Copyright (c) 2014 ftrack

from __future__ import absolute_import

from builtins import str
from builtins import object

import logging
import uuid
import functools

import ftrack_api.attribute
import ftrack_api.entity.base
import ftrack_api.entity.location
import ftrack_api.entity.component
import ftrack_api.entity.asset_version
import ftrack_api.entity.project_schema
import ftrack_api.entity.note
import ftrack_api.entity.job
import ftrack_api.entity.user
import ftrack_api.symbol
import ftrack_api.cache
from ftrack_api.logging import LazyLogMessage as L

[docs]class Factory(object): """Entity class factory."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initialise factory.""" super(Factory, self).__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def create(self, schema, bases=None): """Create and return entity class from *schema*. *bases* should be a list of bases to give the constructed class. If not specified, default to :class:`ftrack_api.entity.base.Entity`. """ entity_type = schema["id"] class_name = entity_type class_bases = bases if class_bases is None: class_bases = [ftrack_api.entity.base.Entity] class_namespace = dict() # Build attributes for class. attributes = ftrack_api.attribute.Attributes() immutable_properties = schema.get("immutable", []) computed_properties = schema.get("computed", []) for name, fragment in list(schema.get("properties", {}).items()): mutable = name not in immutable_properties computed = name in computed_properties default = fragment.get("default", ftrack_api.symbol.NOT_SET) if default == "{uid}": default = lambda instance: str(uuid.uuid4()) data_type = fragment.get("type", ftrack_api.symbol.NOT_SET) if data_type is not ftrack_api.symbol.NOT_SET: if data_type in ( "string", "boolean", "integer", "number", "variable", "object", ): # Basic scalar attribute. if data_type == "number": data_type = "float" if data_type == "string": data_format = fragment.get("format") if data_format == "date-time": data_type = "datetime" attribute = self.create_scalar_attribute( class_name, name, mutable, computed, default, data_type ) if attribute: attributes.add(attribute) elif data_type == "array": attribute = self.create_collection_attribute( class_name, name, mutable ) if attribute: attributes.add(attribute) elif data_type == "mapped_array": reference = fragment.get("items", {}).get("$ref") if not reference: self.logger.debug( L( "Skipping {0}.{1} mapped_array attribute that does " "not define a schema reference.", class_name, name, ) ) continue attribute = self.create_mapped_collection_attribute( class_name, name, mutable, reference ) if attribute: attributes.add(attribute) else: self.logger.debug( L( "Skipping {0}.{1} attribute with unrecognised data " "type {2}", class_name, name, data_type, ) ) else: # Reference attribute. reference = fragment.get("$ref", ftrack_api.symbol.NOT_SET) if reference is ftrack_api.symbol.NOT_SET: self.logger.debug( L( "Skipping {0}.{1} mapped_array attribute that does " "not define a schema reference.", class_name, name, ) ) continue attribute = self.create_reference_attribute( class_name, name, mutable, reference ) if attribute: attributes.add(attribute) default_projections = schema.get("default_projections", []) # Construct class. class_namespace["entity_type"] = entity_type class_namespace["attributes"] = attributes class_namespace["primary_key_attributes"] = schema["primary_key"][:] class_namespace["default_projections"] = default_projections cls = type( str(class_name), # type doesn't accept unicode. tuple(class_bases), class_namespace, ) return cls
[docs] def create_scalar_attribute( self, class_name, name, mutable, computed, default, data_type ): """Return appropriate scalar attribute instance.""" return ftrack_api.attribute.ScalarAttribute( name, data_type=data_type, default_value=default, mutable=mutable, computed=computed, )
[docs] def create_reference_attribute(self, class_name, name, mutable, reference): """Return appropriate reference attribute instance.""" return ftrack_api.attribute.ReferenceAttribute(name, reference, mutable=mutable)
[docs] def create_collection_attribute(self, class_name, name, mutable): """Return appropriate collection attribute instance.""" return ftrack_api.attribute.CollectionAttribute(name, mutable=mutable)
[docs] def create_mapped_collection_attribute(self, class_name, name, mutable, reference): """Return appropriate mapped collection attribute instance.""" self.logger.debug( L( "Skipping {0}.{1} mapped_array attribute that has " "no implementation defined for reference {2}.", class_name, name, reference, ) )
[docs]class PerSessionDefaultKeyMaker(ftrack_api.cache.KeyMaker): """Generate key for defaults.""" def _key(self, obj): """Return key for *obj*.""" if isinstance(obj, dict): entity = obj.get("entity") if entity is not None: # Key by session only. return str(id(entity.session)) return str(obj)
#: Memoiser for use with default callables that should only be called once per # session. memoise_defaults = ftrack_api.cache.memoise_decorator( ftrack_api.cache.Memoiser( key_maker=PerSessionDefaultKeyMaker(), return_copies=False ) ) #: Memoiser for use with callables that should be called once per session. memoise_session = ftrack_api.cache.memoise_decorator( ftrack_api.cache.Memoiser( key_maker=PerSessionDefaultKeyMaker(), return_copies=False ) ) @memoise_session def _get_custom_attribute_configurations(session): """Return list of custom attribute configurations. The configuration objects will have key, project_id, id and object_type_id populated. """ return session.query( "select key, project_id, id, object_type_id, entity_type, " "is_hierarchical from CustomAttributeConfiguration" ).all() def _get_entity_configurations(entity): """Return all configurations for current collection entity.""" entity_type = None project_id = None object_type_id = None if "object_type_id" in entity.keys(): project_id = entity["project_id"] entity_type = "task" object_type_id = entity["object_type_id"] if entity.entity_type == "AssetVersion": project_id = entity["asset"]["parent"]["project_id"] entity_type = "assetversion" if entity.entity_type == "Project": project_id = entity["id"] entity_type = "show" if entity.entity_type == "User": entity_type = "user" if entity.entity_type == "Asset": entity_type = "asset" if entity.entity_type in ("TypedContextList", "AssetVersionList"): entity_type = "list" if entity_type is None: raise ValueError("Entity {!r} not supported.".format(entity)) configurations = [] for configuration in _get_custom_attribute_configurations(entity.session): if ( configuration["entity_type"] == entity_type and configuration["project_id"] in (project_id, None) and configuration["object_type_id"] == object_type_id ): # The custom attribute configuration is for the target entity type. configurations.append(configuration) elif ( entity_type in ("asset", "assetversion", "show", "task") and configuration["project_id"] in (project_id, None) and configuration["is_hierarchical"] ): # The target entity type allows hierarchical attributes. configurations.append(configuration) # Return with global configurations at the end of the list. This is done # so that global conigurations are shadowed by project specific if the # configurations list is looped when looking for a matching `key`. return sorted(configurations, key=lambda item: item["project_id"] is None)
[docs]class StandardFactory(Factory): """Standard entity class factory."""
[docs] def create(self, schema, bases=None): """Create and return entity class from *schema*.""" if not bases: bases = [] extra_bases = [] # Customise classes. if schema["id"] == "ProjectSchema": extra_bases = [ftrack_api.entity.project_schema.ProjectSchema] elif schema["id"] == "Location": extra_bases = [ftrack_api.entity.location.Location] elif schema["id"] == "AssetVersion": extra_bases = [ftrack_api.entity.asset_version.AssetVersion] elif schema["id"].endswith("Component"): extra_bases = [ftrack_api.entity.component.Component] elif schema["id"] == "Note": extra_bases = [ftrack_api.entity.note.Note] elif schema["id"] == "Job": extra_bases = [ftrack_api.entity.job.Job] elif schema["id"] == "User": extra_bases = [ftrack_api.entity.user.User] bases = extra_bases + bases # If bases does not contain any items, add the base entity class. if not bases: bases = [ftrack_api.entity.base.Entity] # Add mixins. if "notes" in schema.get("properties", {}): bases.append(ftrack_api.entity.note.CreateNoteMixin) if "thumbnail_id" in schema.get("properties", {}): bases.append(ftrack_api.entity.component.CreateThumbnailMixin) cls = super(StandardFactory, self).create(schema, bases=bases) return cls
[docs] def create_mapped_collection_attribute(self, class_name, name, mutable, reference): """Return appropriate mapped collection attribute instance.""" if reference == "Metadata": def create_metadata(proxy, data, reference): """Return metadata for *data*.""" entity = proxy.collection.entity session = entity.session data.update( {"parent_id": entity["id"], "parent_type": entity.entity_type} ) return session.create(reference, data) creator = functools.partial(create_metadata, reference=reference) key_attribute = "key" value_attribute = "value" return ftrack_api.attribute.KeyValueMappedCollectionAttribute( name, creator, key_attribute, value_attribute, mutable=mutable ) elif reference == "CustomAttributeValue": return ftrack_api.attribute.CustomAttributeCollectionAttribute( name, mutable=mutable ) elif reference.endswith("CustomAttributeValue"): def creator(proxy, data): """Create a custom attribute based on *proxy* and *data*. Raise :py:exc:`KeyError` if related entity is already presisted to the server. The proxy represents dense custom attribute values and should never create new custom attribute values through the proxy if entity exists on the remote. If the entity is not persisted the ususal <entity_type>CustomAttributeValue items cannot be updated as the related entity does not exist on remote and values not in the proxy. Instead a <entity_type>CustomAttributeValue will be reconstructed and an update operation will be recorded. """ entity = proxy.collection.entity if ftrack_api.inspection.state(entity) is not ftrack_api.symbol.CREATED: raise KeyError( "Custom attributes must be created explicitly for the " "given entity type before being set." ) configuration = None for candidate in _get_entity_configurations(entity): if candidate["key"] == data["key"]: configuration = candidate break if configuration is None: raise ValueError( "No valid custom attribute for data {0!r} was found.".format( data ) ) create_data = dict(list(data.items())) create_data["configuration_id"] = configuration["id"] create_data["entity_id"] = entity["id"] session = entity.session # Create custom attribute by reconstructing it and update the # value. This will prevent a create operation to be sent to the # remote, as create operations for this entity type is not # allowed. Instead an update operation will be recorded. value = create_data.pop("value") item = session.create(reference, create_data, reconstructing=True) # Record update operation. item["value"] = value return item key_attribute = "key" value_attribute = "value" return ftrack_api.attribute.KeyValueMappedCollectionAttribute( name, creator, key_attribute, value_attribute, mutable=mutable ) self.logger.debug( L( "Skipping {0}.{1} mapped_array attribute that has no configuration " "for reference {2}.", class_name, name, reference, ) )